SAV Restoration
Restoring Underwater Grass Beds
In the spring of 2024, Arundel Rivers propelled the restoration of underwater grasses on Maryland's Western Shore with the construction of a submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) turbulator - a machine that separates seeds from underwater grasses to support restoration efforts. Our SAV restoration program will enable us to restore grass beds in the South, West, and Rhode Rivers to improve water quality and critical habitat and provide precious grass seed to restoration efforts in other watersheds. Read the full press release to learn more.
How it works
Arundel Rivers staff and partners harvest SAV plant from vibrant, well established grass beds.

The harvested grasses are processed through the turbulator, a jacuzzi sized tub where it is agitated to remove the seed from the plant. After that, the seed is processed through a screen to remove any remaining debris and plant material.

After the seed is processed and further refined, it is mixed with sand and planted strategically throughout our rivers. As grass beds grow and become well established, they will help improve water quality and serve as nursery habitats for many of the native critters we love!

Thanks to our Project Partners
Whether it's funding, man power, or space to house the turbulator, the SAV restoration program is only possible through these project partnerships.