Bay Loving Landscapes

Bay Loving Landscapes- Habitat over Habit!

Arundel Rivers Federation and the Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy (WSA) are excited to announce Bay Loving Landscapes, a collaborative program to help communities and homeowners in the South, West, and Rhode watersheds make their lawns more river-friendly. 

Through the Bay Loving Landscapes program, Watershed Stewards from WSA will use their expertise to offer suggested site plans to homeowners and communities seeking to plant natives, support pollinators and birds, or convert their lawn to native meadow. Arundel Rivers Federation will, then make it happen, guiding homeowners in implementing the suggestions from the Stewards. Thanks to generous funding from the Schumann Foundation, Arundel Rivers will be able to purchase up to $500 worth of plant material for program participants.

Email [email protected] to get started!

Lawns are ingrained in our culture; for many of us, a weekly mow is not just a chore but a habit. We know that this is a major drain on our personal time and resources. Between the 1-inch grass, mower gas, and excessive fertilizer, lawns contribute far more to our environmental challenges than they do to our environment. 

If you’re ready to rethink your lawn or your community green space and choose habitat over habit– email [email protected] to sign up for a site visit. Arundel Rivers and Watershed Stewards Academy are here to help you strike the right balance of a Bay-loving, pollinator-friendly yard that still fits your lifestyle.

How Do Lawns Harm the Bay?

  • They shed water, increasing erosion
  • They increase the amount of fertilizer and pesticides entering the Bay
  • They are an “ecological wastelands” for wildlife 
  • They increase carbon footprint

How Do Native Plants Help the Bay?

  • They do not require fertilizers or pesticides to be successful
  • They increase the amount of food and habitat for native wildlife to thrive
  • Pollinators like butterflies and bees depend on native plants to live
  • Native plants reduce air pollution by removing carbon from the air and requiring less mowing 

 Thanks to the Schumann Foundation for funding the Bay Loving Landscapes program!

Click here for additional Bay Loving Landscape resources

Get Involved

The Federation is effective because of the people who live,
work and play on the South, West and Rhode Rivers.