Streams & Wetlands Restoration

Broad Creek Park Gully Restoration 2


This restoration project will restore stability and functions to a 750  linear feet ephemeral gully that flows to the East Branch of Broad Creek ande  starts behind the Health Department off Truman Parkway. Like the nearby gully restored in May of 2018 (see Phase 1), this channel is highly unstable and leading to excessive delivery of sediment downstream during even minor storm events. By stabilizing the gully and constructing additional upslope stormwater detention and infiltration devices in the parking lots, the Federation will stop a significant source of sediment and nonpoint source pollution from entering Broad Creek. The gully is actively eroding and is now only about 40 feet from the County’s Health Department Building.  Additionally, this gully regularly covers a section of the popular running trail in Broad Creek Park with sediment.  Beyond the environmental benefits, this project will protect infrastructureand prevent continued damage to a trail

The site is in the headwaters of Broad Creek, which along with Church Creek represents the strategic focus of the South River Federation for the purposes of key habitat improvement and erosion/sediment reduction. The 2008 South River Watershed Assessment ranked Broad Creek as the second highest contributor of sediment and nutrient loads to the South River. The County’s Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) listed restoration of incised streams, such as this project, using step-pool storm conveyance (SPSC)/regenerative wetland seepage systems as their “Core Tier 1” strategy for meeting goals.

The Federation was awarded two grants to complete this project: one from a partnership between the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Anne Arundel County’s Watershed Protection & Restoration Program and the second from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. This project will work to improve water quality, reduce erosion, and create habitat. Through a native planting, the Federation will work to achieve new habitat zones to support a variety of Bay flora and fauna.