Streams & Wetlands Restoration

Herrington Harbour North

Arundel Rivers Federation partnered with Herrington Harbour North Marina, a Bay-friendly business in Deale, MD to fix a badly eroding stream. We are also grateful to Highview Community Association for their support. The stream had dug down 4 feet lower than the flood plain and had a head cut that was dropping approx. 6 cubic feet of dirt into the Herring Bay every major rain storm.

To stabilize the stream, the Federation installed a restoration project that slowly steps the stormwater downhill, stops erosion, reconnects the floodplain, and allows the water to infiltrate into the ground to reduce the amount of erosion and runoff going into Herring Bay.

A second smaller step pool system was installed in the central part of the Marina to further treat stormwater runoff. Native plants help to stabilize soils, take up nutrients, and provide important habitat and food to native wildlife.

Combined, these projects restored 420 linear feet of eroding stream channel  and will prevent  2,000 pounds of sediment, 102 pounds of nitrogen, and 20 pounds of phosphorus from entering Herring Bay each year. This 2021 project drains 28 acres, of which over 32% is impervious.

This project creates habitat for native plants and animals, helps improve water quality, and protects human health.

We are grateful to our funders, Chesapeake Bay Trust and Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection & Restoration. Resource Restoration Group Project designed and constructed the project.