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November 27, 2018


Baba Dioum said, “In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we were taught.”


South River Federation is grateful for the donations people made in honor of those who inspired their love of rivers!

Bernadette Zorio gave in honor of “My father August Zorio . He died when I was 16 and he was a hard working father so little time to share his love of nature like going on hiking trips. I feel like I received his love of nature genetically. I heard stories of his hiking the Palisades, loving horses and experiences with snakes. His love of our little suburban yard was transmitted as I started my first flower garden at a young age. Thanks, Dad!”
Eric and Shannon Sprague gave “Thanks to Jesse and Jennifer at South River Federation for helping my community think through options to protect our shoreline and create habitat.”
Jean Legal donated in honor of her late husband and a long-time South River Federation Board Member, Dale Legal .
Spencer Forrest donated in honor of Marion Bellfield Elliott Jr. “My Uncle “Buddy” loved the outdoors, skiing and hiking and loved the Annapolis area where my beloved cousins Lynn and Bob O’Dell live and support this great charity.”
Nancy Merrill gave in honor of her parents, Phil and Ellie Merrill , who took me on my first long distance sailing adventure at the age of 2!
Hans Wien donated “We would like to honor Mr. Dale Lega l with our donation. He alerted us to the value of the South River Federation, and got me involved in volunteering. It has been a valuable learning experience, and I have enjoyed helping when I could.”
Wayne Martin gave in honor of Sarah Giordano . “Go Sarah!”
Larry Liebesman donated. “Thanks for all you do.  Great work on the Tri State Marine Stormwater wetland project which will help meet the Chesapeake Bay TMDL goals.”
Thanks also to David Sites who donated the above photo to our David Sites river collection!