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June 20, 2023

Accepting 2023 Summer Photo Contest Submissions!

Introducing the Arundel Rivers Photo Contest! This year’s theme…

Love Letter to our Rivers!

We want to see the natural resources we all know and treasure through your eyes. In other words, we invite you to share with us a love letter to our waterways– the South, West, Rhode, and all their tributaries– from your camera lens. You can use a phone, a digital camera, a film camera – whatever floats your boat. 

Some suggested photo subjects include scenes of the rivers, recreation, family, habitat, and wildlife– whether it be a bed of seagrass, an invasive blue catfish, a gorgeous Rhode sunset, a family memory on the South, the view from your favorite park, a patch of native trees and flowers… we want to see it all! Please email submissions to us at [email protected]

Multiple entries are permitted, although we reserve the right to exclude any subject material we deem to be inappropriate. By submitting your photo, you are granting permission for Arundel Rivers Federation to use your work with accreditation (i.e. we’ll be sure to connect your name to your piece!) in our materials, including in eNews blasts, on our website, and in the annual scorecard. You will retain the rights to any photographs you take. We’ll share sample submissions throughout the summer on social media and will close the contest out in August. Arundel Rivers staff will select three top submissions, whose creators will win a special prize!

Contest Rules:

  • Multiple entries are permitted.
  • By submitting your photos, you grant Arundel Rivers permission to use your work with accreditation.
  • You retain the rights to your photographs.
  • Entries must be submitted to [email protected] no later than August 31, 2023.
  • Three top photos will be selected, and photographers of those photos will receive a small prize.