July 26, 2021
Camp Woodlands Construction Starts
In 2016, Arundel Rivers installed some step pools to slow and filter stormwater running off Riva Road at the Girl Scout’s Camp Woodlands. Anne Arundel Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration designed the stream restoration project for the main eroding gulley immediately downstream that lets out into Broad Creek. We had installed a living shoreline project along the cove where the stream enters Broad Creek in 2014. This week construction begins for the main gully’s stream restoration project.
The gully leads to Broad Creek.
This gulley is a source of some of the sediment (dirt) that turns Broad Creek chocolate brown every time it rains and gushes out into the South River.
Here is the upper gulley that was restored in 2016.
Here is the top portion of the main eroding gully. At some point, cinder blocks were dropped in to help spread out the impact of the water. It turned out not to be an effective measure. Our newly hired Assistant rivers program manager, Jonathan Bland, was checking out the outflow pipe.
You can see the dangling roots from recent erosion.