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April 20, 2021

Federation Honor’s Long-time Supporter with Boat Renaming

On April 10th, the Federation Board and staff was joined by a group of supporters at the Hillsmere Boat launch for a special occasion- the renaming of our West Rhode Riverkeeper boat to honor our long-time champion, Kevin Green.

When it comes to oyster restoration at the Federation, Kevin Green is the name to know. Kevin is strongly committed to furthering efforts to restore healthy oyster populations to the South, West, and Rhode Rivers.  Each year, he tends to as many as forty oyster cages at the Hillsmere community docks, raising oyster spat to be released on local sanctuary reefs. He played a key role in establishing the oyster reef ball living shoreline at Turnbull and frequently partners with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to assist their post-restoration monitoring efforts.

He has also led the charge for reducing harmful stormwater in Hillsmere Shore Community, where he and his wife, Stacey, have lived for years. He has helped install several bio-retentions and conservation plantings, plus a living shoreline, helping make his community a model for others in the region.

Kevin is enthusiastic, passionate, and always willing to step in and lend a hand to the Federation, evidenced by his two terms as interim Executive Director and his dozen years on the Board of Directors.

How Do you Rename a Boat?

The Federation Board and staff are endlessly thankful for Kevin’s commitment, and wanted to demonstrate our appreciation through the renaming of our Riverkeeper boat, formerly Sea Cider, to the Hannah Green. Hannah is the name of Kevin’s late dog, who spent a long and joyful life with the Green household.

However, a boat renaming is not as simple as adding some new lettering. It is important to alert Poseidon of this change and uphold the time-honored naming traditions that have protected watermen at sea for centuries. In accordance with these traditions, Nancy Merrill Sullivan, Outreach Manager, called to the four cardinal winds and asked for their protection of the vessel. Kevin hurled an oyster shell into the water which had the old boat name written on it, expunging the name from Poseidon’s memory, and turning his care to the new name. With the ringing of bells, champagne, and cheers, we welcomed our newly named boat to the Federation and look forward to many good years aboard the Hannah Green.


Chloe Obara

Chesapeake Conservation Corps 2020-21