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November 18, 2021

Plans for Liberty Marina

Update as of May 28, 2024
We understand that the owners of Liberty Marina have received a change in zoning for this property through the County Council’s comprehensive rezoning legislation process. This change in zoning enables the owners to submit plans for redevelopment of the site. As with all development and redevelopment applications, Arundel Rivers Federation will carefully monitor the project and review any application for impacts to our rivers and lands.

Arundel Rivers Federation has heard from several community members about their concerns related to the Liberty Marina redevelopment proposal.  Arundel Rivers is not supportive of the project, but is willing to engage in dialogue with the development team as it unfolds. Your Riverkeeper, Jesse Iliff, expressed serious concerns to the design team about sediment pollution during construction, but also noted the potential for improvement in stormwater management from the redevelopment in the long-term. During the public Zoom meeting the architects presenting the project noted Jesse’s response  as“positive feedback” on the proposal, which was really a criticism expressed in a friendly manner.

If the project moves forward, there will likely be pros and cons on the whole. One benefit could be improvements in stormwater management on the site because the new development will be subject to modern environmental site design, which is a lot better than the current status quo of pavement right up to bulkhead.

One nearly certain con of the project is that it is a large site right on the water, so the potential of significant sediment pollution is a big concern for us at the Federation.

To be clear, when the time comes to cut ground, Arundel Rivers will be watching it carefully and doing everything possible to prevent sediment pollution and hold responsible parties accountable if and when it occurs. If anyone has any further questions, please contact your Riverkeeper at [email protected].

Here is a concept summary from the architects:

See the Zoom meeting of the Anne Arundel County Community meeting about the redesign of Liberty Marina on the South River by the Rt. 2 Bridge.